gamlss2: Infrastructure for Flexible Distributional Regression


The primary purpose of this package is to facilitate the creation of advanced infrastructures designed to enhance the GAMLSS modeling framework. Notably, the gamlss2 package represents a significant overhaul of its predecessor, gamlss, with a key emphasis on improving estimation speed and incorporating more flexible infrastructures. These enhancements enable the seamless integration of various algorithms into GAMLSS, including gradient boosting, Bayesian estimation, regression trees, and forests, fostering a more versatile and powerful modeling environment.

Moreover, the package expands its compatibility by supporting all model terms from the base R mgcv package. Additionally, the gamlss2 package introduces the capability to accommodate more than four parameter families. Essentially, this means that users can now specify any type of model using these new infrastructures, making the package highly flexible and accommodating to a wide range of modeling requirements.

  • The main model function is gamlss2().
  • The default optimizer functions is RS(). Optimizer functions can be exchanged.
  • Most important methods: summary(), plot(), predict().
  • Easy development of new family objects, see ?gamlss2,family.
  • User-specific “special” terms are possible, see ?special_terms.

For examples, please visit the manual pages.

help(package = "gamlss2")


The development version of gamlss2 can be installed via

  repos = c("",


The package is available under the General Public License version 3 or version 2


The package is designed to follow the workflow of well-established model fitting functions like lm() or glm(), i.e., the step of estimating full distributional regression models is actually not very difficult.

To illustrate the workflow using gamlss2, we analyze the WeatherGermany data,

if(!("WeatherGermany" %in% installed.packages())) {
    repos = c("",
Installing package into '/usr/local/lib/R/site-library'
(as 'lib' is unspecified)
data("WeatherGermany", package = "WeatherGermany")
  id       date Wmax pre Tmax Tmin sun name alt     lat    lon
1  1 1981-01-01   NA 1.7  3.4 -5.0  NA Aach 478 47.8413 8.8493
2  1 1981-01-02   NA 1.7  1.2 -0.4  NA Aach 478 47.8413 8.8493
3  1 1981-01-03   NA 5.4  5.4  1.0  NA Aach 478 47.8413 8.8493
4  1 1981-01-04   NA 8.8  5.6 -0.4  NA Aach 478 47.8413 8.8493
5  1 1981-01-05   NA 3.7  1.2 -2.4  NA Aach 478 47.8413 8.8493
6  1 1981-01-06   NA 4.0  1.2 -2.2  NA Aach 478 47.8413 8.8493

The dataset contains daily observations from weather stations across Germany. It includes the station identifier (id), the recording date, the maximum wind speed (Wmax, in m/s), the precipitation amount (pre, in mm), the maximum and minimum temperatures (Tmax and Tmin, in °C), and the number of sunshine hours (sun). Additionally, it provides the station’s name, altitude (in meters above sea level), and its geographic coordinates (longitude and latitude).

In this example, we use daily maximum temperature (Tmax) data to estimate a climatology model based on over 37 years of observations from Germany’s highest meteorological station, located at Zugspitze. Situated at an altitude of 2956 meters above sea level, this station provides a unique dataset for high-altitude climate analysis.

First, we subset the dataset to include only observations from the Zugspitze station.

d <- subset(WeatherGermany, name == "Zugspitze")

Before estimating a climatology model using gamlss2, it is good practice to inspect the distribution of the response variable

hist(d$Tmax, freq = FALSE, breaks = "Scott")

The histogram suggests that the data is slightly left-skewed, with longer tails for temperatures below zero. This indicates that the commonly used normal distribution may not be the most appropriate choice for modeling daily maximum temperatures.

To address this, the gamlss2 package provides the find_family() function, which helps identify the most suitable distribution by minimizing an information criterion, AIC by default. Here, we evaluate several continuous distributions available in the gamlss.dist package.

fams <- find_family(d$Tmax,
  families = c(NO, TF, JSU, SEP4))
.. NO family
.. .. IC = 92044.1 
.. TF family
.. .. IC = 92046.12 
.. JSU family
.. .. IC = 91975.24 
.. SEP4 family
.. .. IC = 91879.66 
      TF       NO      JSU     SEP4 
92046.12 92044.10 91975.24 91879.66 

Here, the SEP4 family appears to provide the best fit. To further assess its suitability, we can visualize the fitted density using

fit_family(d$Tmax, family = SEP4)
GAMLSS-RS iteration  1: Global Deviance = 91950.4801 eps = 0.044494     
GAMLSS-RS iteration  2: Global Deviance = 91907.9542 eps = 0.000462     
GAMLSS-RS iteration  3: Global Deviance = 91889.9353 eps = 0.000196     
GAMLSS-RS iteration  4: Global Deviance = 91880.9925 eps = 0.000097     
GAMLSS-RS iteration  5: Global Deviance = 91876.7482 eps = 0.000046     
GAMLSS-RS iteration  6: Global Deviance = 91874.399 eps = 0.000025     
GAMLSS-RS iteration  7: Global Deviance = 91872.4447 eps = 0.000021     
GAMLSS-RS iteration  8: Global Deviance = 91871.6641 eps = 0.000008     

After identifying a suitable distributional model, we can now incorporate covariates to estimate a full GAMLSS. Since temperature data exhibits a strong seasonal pattern, as illustrated in the following scatterplot

d$yday <- as.POSIXlt(d$date)$yday

It is essential to include a model term that captures these seasonal effects. The gamlss2 package supports all model terms from the [mgcv]( package, allowing us to use thes()` constructor to model seasonality.

Additionally, we include a time trend to examine whether maximum temperatures have increased over the observed period. In the full GAMLSS model, each parameter of the selected SEP4 distribution is estimated separately. To incorporate the time trend, we first create a new covariate, year, representing the long-term temporal effect

d$year <- as.POSIXlt(d$date)$year + 1900

Next, we define the model formula for the four parameters of the SEP4 distribution.

f <- Tmax ~ s(yday, bs = "cc", k = 20) + s(year) |
  s(yday, bs = "cc", k = 20) + s(year) |
  s(yday, bs = "cc", k = 20) + s(year) |
  s(yday, bs = "cc", k = 20) + s(year)

In this formula, the vertical bars | separate the specifications for each parameter of the SEP4 distribution. The argument bs = "cc" specifies a cyclical spline to account for the seasonal effect, ensuring continuity at the beginning and end of the year, and argument k controls the dimension of the basis used to represent the smooth term.

Finally, we estimate the model using

b <- gamlss2(f, data = d, family = SEP4)
GAMLSS-RS iteration  1: Global Deviance = 80024.4293 eps = 0.168423     
GAMLSS-RS iteration  2: Global Deviance = 79913.7143 eps = 0.001383     
GAMLSS-RS iteration  3: Global Deviance = 79877.0442 eps = 0.000458     
GAMLSS-RS iteration  4: Global Deviance = 79864.0999 eps = 0.000162     
GAMLSS-RS iteration  5: Global Deviance = 79858.1657 eps = 0.000074     
GAMLSS-RS iteration  6: Global Deviance = 79856.0447 eps = 0.000026     
GAMLSS-RS iteration  7: Global Deviance = 79854.4101 eps = 0.000020     
GAMLSS-RS iteration  8: Global Deviance = 79853.9545 eps = 0.000005     

This approach allows us to flexibly capture both seasonal patterns and long-term trends in daily maximum temperatures.

After estimating the model, we can examine the model summary using

gamlss2(formula = f, data = d, family = SEP4)
Family: SEP4 
Link function: mu = identity, sigma = log, nu = log, tau = log
Parameter: mu 
            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)  -0.9391     0.1468  -6.398 1.63e-10 ***
Smooth terms:
    s(yday) s(year)
edf  16.382   7.543
Parameter: sigma 
            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept) 1.886075   0.001932   976.2   <2e-16 ***
Smooth terms:
    s(yday) s(year)
edf  15.823  4.1399
Parameter: nu 
            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)  0.64172    0.02103   30.51   <2e-16 ***
Smooth terms:
    s(yday) s(year)
edf  12.634  5.5508
Parameter: tau 
            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept) 1.028989   0.009557   107.7   <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Smooth terms:
    s(yday) s(year)
edf  12.144  1.0062
n = 13665 df =  79.22 res.df =  13585.78
Deviance = 79853.9545 Null Dev. Red. = 13.08%
AIC = 80012.3985 elapsed = 36.43sec

The summary output is structured similarly to those of lm() and glm(), with the key difference being that it provides results for all parameters of the selected distribution. Specifically, it displays the estimated linear coefficients (in this case, primarily the intercepts), along with the effective degrees of freedom for each smooth term. Additionally, the AIC and deviance values are reported.

To extract the AIC separately, we use

[1] 80012.4

Similarly, the log-likelihood can be obtained with

'log Lik.' -39926.98 (df=79.22199)
logLik(b, newdata = d)
'log Lik.' -39926.98 (df=79.22199)

Here we use the newdata argument just to show, that the log-likelihood can also be evaluated on, e.g., out-of-sample data.

Additionally, the estimated effects can be visualized instantly using

plot(b, which = "effects")

This plot provides a direct visualization of the smooth effects included in the model, helping to interpret seasonal variations and long-term trends efficiently.

To assess the calibration of the estimated model, we examine the quantile residuals using a histogram, Q-Q plot, and worm plot.

plot(b, which = "resid")

These diagnostic plots indicate that the model is well-calibrated when using the SEP4 distribution, demonstrating a good fit to the observed data.

Model predictions can be obtained for various statistical quantities, including the mean, quantiles, probability density function (PDF), and cumulative distribution function (CDF). To illustrate this, we first examine the marginal effect of the long-term time trend. For this purpose, we create a new data frame containing only the years of interest.

nd <- data.frame("year" = 1981:2018, "yday" = 182)

Next, we predict quantiles by first computing the estimated parameters

par <- predict(b, newdata = nd)

To compute, e.g., the 50% quantile (median), we extract the of the fitted model and call the corresponding $q() (quantile) function provided by the family.

q50 <- family(b)$q(0.5, par)

Similarly, we can compute the 10% and 90% quantiles

q10 <- family(b)$q(0.1, par)
q90 <- family(b)$q(0.9, par)

Finally, we visualize the long-term trend in temperature.

matplot(nd$year, cbind(q10, q50, q90), type = "l",
  lwd = 2, xlab = "Year", ylab = "Estimated Quantiles")

The plot reveals an upward trend in the median temperature over time, highlighting the effects of long-term climate change.

To visualize exceedance probabilities for the 2019 season, we use the $p() function of the family object. For example, we can compute the probabilities of maximum temperatures exceeding 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 °C as follows

nd <- data.frame("year" = 2019, "yday" = 0:365)
par <- predict(b, newdata = nd)
Tmax <- rev(seq(0, 14, by = 2))
probs <- sapply(Tmax, function(t) 1 - family(b)$p(t, par))
colnames(probs) <- paste0("Prob(Tmax > ", Tmax, ")")
     Prob(Tmax > 14) Prob(Tmax > 12) Prob(Tmax > 10) Prob(Tmax > 8)
[1,]    1.076916e-13    7.994927e-11    2.015706e-08   1.885932e-06
[2,]    1.202372e-13    8.379741e-11    2.024026e-08   1.845235e-06
[3,]    1.285638e-13    8.538326e-11    1.997686e-08   1.788527e-06
[4,]    1.331157e-13    8.509593e-11    1.945703e-08   1.721421e-06
[5,]    1.341149e-13    8.345702e-11    1.877488e-08   1.649196e-06
[6,]    1.328937e-13    8.103096e-11    1.802007e-08   1.576599e-06
     Prob(Tmax > 6) Prob(Tmax > 4) Prob(Tmax > 2) Prob(Tmax > 0)
[1,]   7.184322e-05    0.001228708    0.010461880     0.04946567
[2,]   6.942085e-05    0.001184324    0.010125835     0.04824358
[3,]   6.679725e-05    0.001140251    0.009804780     0.04709746
[4,]   6.408441e-05    0.001097238    0.009500008     0.04602442
[5,]   6.138384e-05    0.001055977    0.009212863     0.04502230
[6,]   5.878548e-05    0.001017096    0.008944721     0.04408959

To illustrate these exceedance probabilities, we plot them over the course of the year

col <- colorspace::heat_hcl(ncol(probs))

The plot reveals that even at this high-altitude station, the probability of Tmax > 14°C reaches approximately 5% during summer. This is particularly striking considering that the Zugspitze once had a permanent glacier field, emphasizing the impact of rising temperatures in this region. Likewise, the probability of Tmax > 0°C during the winter months is also about 5%, highlighting significant temperature patterns.