Family Objects in gamlss2


Family objects within the package gamlss2 are used to specify the information required to use a model fitting function. This includes details such as parameter names, corresponding link functions, the density function, log-likelihood function and derivatives of the log-likelihood with respect to the predictors. In addition, family objects are used in the calculation of post-modeling statistics, such as residual diagnostics and random number generation. An overview can be found in the accompanying details and examples.


The following lists the minimum requirements on a gamlss2 family object to be used with gamlss2:

  • The family object is expected to return a list of class “”.

  • The object must contain the family name as a character string.

  • The object must contain the names of the parameters as a character string, as well as the corresponding link functions as character string.

  • The family object must contain a $d() function to evaluate the (log-)density.

Furthermore, it is assumed that the density function in a family object has the following arguments:

d(y, par, log = FALSE, …)

where argument y is the response (possibly a matrix) and par is a named list holding the evaluated parameters of the distribution, e.g., using a normal distribution par has two elements, one for the mean par$mu and one for the standard deviation par$sigma. The dots argument is for passing special internally used objects, depending on the type of model this feature is usually not needed.

Optionally, the family object holds derivative functions evaluating derivatives of the log-likelihood w.r.t. the predictors (or expectations of derivatives). For each parameter, these functions must have the following arguments:

function(y, par, …)

for computing the first derivative of the log-likelihood w.r.t. a predictor and

function(y, par, …)

for computing the negative second derivatives. Within the family object these functions are organized in a named list, see the examples below. If these functions are not specified, all derivatives will be approximated numerically. Note that also cross derivatives can be implemented, e.g., when using the CG algorithm for fitting a GAMLSS.

In addition, for the cumulative distribution function (p(y, par, …)), for the quantile function (q(y, par, …)) or for creating random numbers (r(n, par, …)) the same structure is assumed.

Using function gamlss2 the family objects may also specify the optimizer()er function that should be used with this family.

See Also




Normal <- function(...) {
  fam <- list(
    "family" = "Normal",
    "names" = c("mu", "sigma"),
    "links" = c("mu" = "identity", "sigma" = "log"),
    "score" = list(
      "mu" = function(y, par, ...) {
        (y - par$mu) / (par$sigma^2)
      "sigma" = function(y, par, ...) {
        -1 + (y - par$mu)^2 / (par$sigma^2)
    "hess" = list(
      "mu" = function(y, par, ...) {
        1 / (par$sigma^2)
      "sigma" = function(y, par, ...) {
        rep(2, length(y))
      "mu.sigma" = function(y, par, ...) {
        rep(0, length(y))
    "loglik" = function(y, par, ...) {
      sum(dnorm(y, par$mu, par$sigma, log = TRUE))
    "mu" = function(par, ...) {
    "d" = function(y, par, log = FALSE) {
      dnorm(y, mean = par$mu, sd = par$sigma, log = log)
    "p" = function(y, par, ...) {
      pnorm(y, mean = par$mu, sd = par$sigma, ...)
    "r" = function(n, par) {
      rnorm(n, mean = par$mu, sd = par$sigma)
    "q" = function(p, par) {
      qnorm(p, mean = par$mu, sd = par$sigma)
    "initialize" = list(
      "mu"    = function(y, ...) { (y + mean(y)) / 2 },
      "sigma" = function(y, ...) { rep(sd(y), length(y)) }
    "mean"      = function(par) par$mu,
    "variance"  = function(par) par$sigma^2,
    "valid.response" = function(x) {
      if(is.factor(x) | is.character(x))
        stop("the response should be numeric!")

  class(fam) <- ""


## load the abdominal circumference data
data("abdom", package = "")

## specify the model Formula
f <- y ~ s(x) | s(x)

## estimate model
b <- gamlss2(f, data = abdom, family = Normal)

## plot estimated effects
plot(b, which = "effects")

## plot diagnostics
plot(b, which = "resid")

## predict parameters
par <- predict(b)

## predict quantiles
pq <- sapply(c(0.05, 0.5, 0.95), function(q) family(b)$q(q, par))

## visualize
plot(y ~ x, data = abdom, pch = 19,
  col = rgb(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, alpha = 0.3))
matplot(abdom$x, pq, type = "l", lwd = 2,
  lty = 1, col = 4, add = TRUE)

## another example using only the density
## function, all derivatives are approximated
## in this case; for residual diagnostics,
## the $p() and $q() function is needed, too.
Gamma <- function(...) {
  fam <- list(
    "names" = c("mu", "sigma"),
    "links" = c("mu" = "log", "sigma" = "log"),
    "d" = function(y, par, log = FALSE, ...) {
      shape <- par$sigma
      scale <- par$mu/par$sigma
      dgamma(y, shape = shape, scale = scale, log = log)
    "p" = function(y, par, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) {
      shape <- par$sigma
      scale <- par$mu/par$sigma
      pgamma(y, shape = shape, scale = scale,
        lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p)
    "q" = function(p, par, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) {
      shape <- par$sigma
      scale <- par$mu/par$sigma
       qgamma(p, shape = shape, scale = scale,
         lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p)

  class(fam) <- ""


## example using the Munich rent data
data("rent", package = "")

## model formula
f <- R ~ ti(Fl) + ti(A) + ti(Fl, A, bs = "ps") |
  ti(Fl) + ti(A) + ti(Fl, A, bs = "ps")

## estimate model
b <- gamlss2(f, data = rent, family = Gamma)

## visualize estimated effects
plot(b, which = "effects")

## diagnostics, needs the $p() and $q() function!
plot(b, which = "resid")