GAIC and Generalised (Pseudo) R-squared for GAMLSS Models


Functions to compute the GAIC and the generalised R-squared of Nagelkerke (1991) for a GAMLSS models.


## Information criteria.
GAIC(object, ...,
  k = 2, corrected = FALSE)

## R-squared.
Rsq(object, ...,
  type = c("Cox Snell", "Cragg Uhler", "both", "simple"),
  newdata = NULL)


object A fitted model object
Optionally more fitted model objects.
k Numeric, the penalty to be used. The default k = 2 corresponds to the classical AIC.
corrected Logical, whether the corrected AIC should be used? Note that it applies only when k = 2.
type which definition of R squared. Can be the “Cox Snell” or the Nagelkerke, “Cragg Uhler” or “both”, and “simple”, which computes the R-squared based on the median. In this case also newdata may be supplied.
newdata Only for type = “simple” the R-squared can be evaluated using newdata.


The Rsq() function uses the definition for R-squared:

\(R^2=1- \left(\frac{L(0)}{L(\hat{\theta})}\right)^{2/n}\)

where \(L(0)\) is the null model (only a constant is fitted to all parameters) and \(L(\hat{\theta})\) is the current fitted model. This definition sometimes is referred to as the Cox & Snell R-squared. The Nagelkerke /Cragg & Uhler’s definition divides the above with

\(1 - L(0)^{2/n}\)


Numeric vector or data frame, depending on the number of fitted model objects.


Nagelkerke NJD (1991). “A Note on a General Definition of the Coefficient of Determination.” Biometrika, 78(3), 691–692. doi:10.1093/biomet/78.3.691

See Also




## load the aids data set
data("aids", package = "")

## estimate negative binomial count models
b1 <- gamlss2(y ~ x + qrt, data = aids, family = NBI)
GAMLSS-RS iteration  1: Global Deviance = 492.7033 eps = 0.148555     
GAMLSS-RS iteration  2: Global Deviance = 492.6374 eps = 0.000133     
GAMLSS-RS iteration  3: Global Deviance = 492.6373 eps = 0.000000     
b2 <- gamlss2(y ~ s(x) + s(qrt, bs = "re"), data = aids, family = NBI)
GAMLSS-RS iteration  1: Global Deviance = 406.0278 eps = 0.298340     
GAMLSS-RS iteration  2: Global Deviance = 373.0395 eps = 0.081246     
GAMLSS-RS iteration  3: Global Deviance = 363.9491 eps = 0.024368     
GAMLSS-RS iteration  4: Global Deviance = 363.1967 eps = 0.002067     
GAMLSS-RS iteration  5: Global Deviance = 363.1423 eps = 0.000149     
GAMLSS-RS iteration  6: Global Deviance = 363.1339 eps = 0.000023     
GAMLSS-RS iteration  7: Global Deviance = 363.1323 eps = 0.000004     
## compare models
[1] 0.8095853
Rsq(b1, type = "both")
[1] 0.8095853

[1] 0.809588
Rsq(b1, b2)
       b1        b2 
0.8095853 0.9892885 
GAIC(b1, b2)
        AIC       df
b2 388.9107 12.88923
b1 504.6373  6.00000
AIC(b1, b2)
        AIC       df
b2 388.9107 12.88923
b1 504.6373  6.00000
BIC(b1, b2)
        AIC       df
b2 412.1972 12.88923
b1 515.4773  6.00000
## plot estimated effects