Lasso Model Terms


Constructor function and plotting for Lasso penalized model terms for GAMLSS.


## Model term constructor function.
la(x, type = 1, const = 1e-05, ...)

## Plotting function.
plot_lasso(x, terms = NULL,
  which = c("criterion", "coefficients"),
  zoom = c(3, 4), spar = TRUE, ...)


x For function la(), a numeric vector or matrix, or a formula. See the examples. For function plot_lasso(), an object returned from gamlss2.
type Integer or character, the type of the Lasso penalty. type = 1 or type = “normal” uses the normal penalty, type = 2 or type = “group” the group penalty, type = 3 or type = “nominal” the nominal fusion penalty and type = 4 or type = “ordinal” the ordinal fusion penalty.
const Numeric, the constant that is used for approximating the absolute function.
terms Character or integer, the model term that should be plotted. The default terms = NULL is plotting all model terms.
which Character, should the information criterion or the coefficient paths be plotted? See the examples.
zoom Numeric vector of length 2, the zooming factors for plotting information criteria curves and coefficient paths. The first element sets the distance from the optimum shrinkage parameter lambda to the left side, and the second element to the right side, respectively.
spar Logical, should plotting parameters be automatically set in par?
For function la() further control arguments can be passed: The criterion = “bic” for shrinkage parameter selection, arguments for creating the model.matrix if the model term is specified using a formula. For function plot_lasso() arguments like lwd, col, main, etc., that control plotting parameters can be supplied. An additional ridge penalty (elastic net) can be added to each la() term be setting add_ridge = TRUE in the gamlss2 call.


To implement the Lasso penalty, an approximation of the absolute value function is used, following the approach by Oelker and Tutz (2015). This enables the use of standard Newton-Raphson-type algorithms for estimation. Each Lasso model term has its own shrinkage parameter, allowing a mix of different penalty types within the model. The framework builds on the methodology of Groll et al. (2019), where coefficients are updated through iteratively reweighted least squares (IWLS). This is feasible due to the absolute function approximation, which results in a quadratic penalty matrix similar to that used in penalized splines. By default, the shrinkage parameters are selected using the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC).


The la() function is used internally within gamlss2 and provides the necessary details for estimating Lasso-type model terms. Essentially, it serves as a special model term, as outlined in specials.

Currently, the plot_lasso() function does not return any output.


Andreas Groll, Julien Hambuckers, Thomas Kneib, and Nikolaus Umlauf (2019). Lasso-type penalization in the framework of generalized additive models for location, scale and shape. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis. doi:10.1016/j.csda.2019.06.005

Oelker Margreth-Ruth and Tutz Gerhard (2015). A uniform framework for combination of penalties in generalized structured models. Adv Data Anal Classif. doi:10.1007/s11634-015-0205-y

See Also

gamlss2, specials.



data("rent", package = "")

## transform numeric to factor variables
rent$Flc <- cut(rent$Fl, breaks = seq(20, 160, by = 10),
  include.lowest = TRUE)
rent$Ac <- cut(rent$A, breaks = seq(1890, 1990, by = 10),
  include.lowest = TRUE)

## set up the model formula for a BCT model
f <- R ~ la(Flc,type=4) + la(Ac,type=4) + la(loc,type=4) |
  la(Flc,type=4) + la(Ac,type=4) + la(loc,type=4) |
  la(Flc,type=4) + la(Ac,type=4) + la(loc,type=4)

## estimation
b <- gamlss2(f, data = rent, family = BCT)

## summary, shows the estimated degrees of freedom
## for each model term

## plot estimated coefficients

## plot information criteria curves
## for each model term.

## plot parameter paths.
plot_lasso(b, which = "coefficients")

## plot a single model term.
plot_lasso(b, which = "coefficients", term = 5)

## same with
plot_lasso(b, which = "coefficients", term = "")

## zoom out
plot_lasso(b, which = "coefficients", term = 5,
  zoom = c(8, 7))

## set names
plot_lasso(b, which = "coefficients", term = 5,
  zoom = c(8, 7), names = c("A", "B", "C"))

## set title
plot_lasso(b, which = "coefficients", term = 5,
  zoom = c(8, 7), main = "Fused Lasso")

## simulated example using the normal lasso
## and a matrix as argument for la()

## number of observations and covariates
n <- 500
k <- 50

## model matrix
X <- matrix(rnorm(n * k), n, k)
colnames(X) <- paste0("x", 1:k)

## true coefficients
beta <- list(
  "mu" = rbinom(k, 1, 0.1),
  "sigma" = rbinom(k, 1, 0.1) * 0.3

## parameters
mu <- X 
sigma <- exp(-1 + X 

## response
y <- rnorm(n, mean = mu, sd = sigma)

## model formula with nominal fused lasso
f <- y ~ la(X,type=3) | la(X,type=3)

## estimate model incl. extra ridge penalty
## for all la() model terms
b <- gamlss2(f, add_ridge = TRUE)

## plot information criteria curves

## coefficient paths
plot_lasso(b, which = "coefficients")

## zoom out
plot_lasso(b, which = "coefficients",
  zoom = c(8, 9))

## extract coefficients
cb <- coef(b, full = TRUE)

## compare (without intercept)
cb_mu <- cb[grep("mu.", names(cb))][-1]
cb_sigma <- cb[grep("sigma.", names(cb))][-1]

## true positive rate
tp <- mean(c(cb_mu[beta$mu > 0] > 0,
  cb_sigma[beta$sigma > 0] > 0))

## false positive rate, needs threshold
thres <- 0.01
fp <- mean(c(abs(cb_mu[beta$mu == 0]) > thres,
  abs(cb_sigma[beta$sigma == 0]) > thres))