## packages, code, and data
data("cars", package = "datasets")
## fit heteroscedastic normal GAMLSS model
## stopping distance (ft) explained by speed (mph)
<- gamlss2(dist ~ s(speed) | s(speed), data = cars, family = NO) m
GAMLSS-RS iteration 1: Global Deviance = 407.3647 eps = 0.125474
GAMLSS-RS iteration 2: Global Deviance = 406.1777 eps = 0.002913
GAMLSS-RS iteration 3: Global Deviance = 406.147 eps = 0.000075
GAMLSS-RS iteration 4: Global Deviance = 406.1463 eps = 0.000001
## obtain predicted distributions for three levels of speed
<- prodist(m, newdata = data.frame(speed = c(10, 20, 30)))
d print(d)
1 2
"GAMLSS NO(mu = 23.31, sigma = 10.09)" "GAMLSS NO(mu = 58.58, sigma = 18.62)"
"GAMLSS NO(mu = 93.85, sigma = 34.37)"
## obtain quantiles (works the same for any distribution object 'd' !)
quantile(d, 0.5)
1 2 3
23.30817 58.58058 93.85473
quantile(d, c(0.05, 0.5, 0.95), elementwise = FALSE)
q_0.05 q_0.5 q_0.95
1 6.712065 23.30817 39.90428
2 27.945695 58.58058 89.21546
3 37.320084 93.85473 150.38937
quantile(d, c(0.05, 0.5, 0.95), elementwise = TRUE)
1 2 3
6.712065 58.580577 150.389369
## visualization
plot(dist ~ speed, data = cars)
<- data.frame(speed = 0:240/4)
nd $dist <- prodist(m, newdata = nd)
nd$fit <- quantile(nd$dist, c(0.05, 0.5, 0.95))
ndmatplot(nd$speed, nd$fit, type = "l", lty = 1, col = "slategray", add = TRUE)
## moments
1 2 3
23.30817 58.58058 93.85473
1 2 3
101.8024 346.8789 1181.3396
## simulate random numbers
random(d, 5)
r_1 r_2 r_3 r_4 r_5
1 31.93195 9.162634 19.60304 27.71632 28.34874
2 10.13477 44.534592 54.55202 68.30139 38.89465
3 90.14379 68.648848 115.88608 129.39316 151.01022
## density and distribution
pdf(d, 50 * -2:2)
d_-100 d_-50 d_0 d_50 d_100
1 1.460714e-34 1.361314e-13 0.0027429608 0.001194948 1.125502e-14
2 3.874569e-18 8.920877e-10 0.0001522568 0.019263306 1.806633e-03
3 1.435625e-09 1.823198e-06 0.0002789684 0.005142852 1.142302e-02
cdf(d, 50 * -2:2)
p_-100 p_-50 p_0 p_50 p_100
1 1.198038e-34 1.856498e-13 0.0104415378 0.9959209 1.0000000
2 8.362856e-18 2.772565e-09 0.0008295292 0.3225034 0.9869224
3 8.496162e-09 1.423335e-05 0.0031603140 0.1009890 0.5709504
## Poisson example
data("FIFA2018", package = "distributions3")
<- gamlss2(goals ~ s(difference), data = FIFA2018, family = PO) m2
GAMLSS-RS iteration 1: Global Deviance = 355.3922 eps = 0.045332
GAMLSS-RS iteration 2: Global Deviance = 355.3922 eps = 0.000000
<- prodist(m2, newdata = data.frame(difference = 0))
d2 print(d2)
"GAMLSS PO(mu = 1.237)"
quantile(d2, c(0.05, 0.5, 0.95))
[1] 0 1 3
## note that log_pdf() can replicate logLik() value
sum(log_pdf(prodist(m2), FIFA2018$goals))
[1] -177.6961
'log Lik.' -177.6961 (df=2.005144)