This is an approximation of the linear spline \(\max\{0, x\}\) where the discrepancy between the two functions decreases with increasing \(a\).
Wiemann et al. (2023) propose to employ the softplus function as the inverse link function where positivity of a parameter needs to be assured, e.g., in count data regressions. This is in particular of interest as an alternative to the exponential inverse link function because the exponential implies multiplicative effects of the regressors while the softplus function does not.
An object of class “link-glm”.
Wiemann PFV, Kneib T, Hambuckers J (2023). “Using the Softplus Function to Construct Alternative Link Functions in Generalized Linear Models and Beyond.” Statistical Papers, forthcoming. doi:
See Also, gamlss2
library("gamlss2")## visualization of softmax function from Wiemann et al. (2003, Figure 1)x <--200:200/50plot(x, softplus(1)$linkinv(x), ylab =expression(softplus[a](x)),type ="l", col =2, lwd =2)grid()lines(x, softplus(5)$linkinv(x), col =3, lwd =2)lines(x, softplus(10)$linkinv(x), col =4, lwd =2)lines(x, pmax(0, x), lty =3, lwd =2)legend("topleft", c("a = 1", "a = 5", "a = 10", "linear spline"),col =c(2, 3, 4, 1), lty =c(1, 1, 1, 3), lwd =2, bty ="n")
## Poisson regression example with different linksdata("FIFA2018", package ="distributions3")m_exp <-glm(goals ~ difference, data = FIFA2018, family =poisson(link ="log"))m_splus <-glm(goals ~ difference, data = FIFA2018, family =poisson(link =softplus(1)))AIC(m_exp, m_splus)
df AIC
m_exp 2 359.3942
m_splus 2 359.3774
## comparison of fitted effectsnd <-data.frame(difference =-15:15/10)nd$mu_exp <-predict(m_exp, newdata = nd, type ="response")nd$mu_splus <-predict(m_splus, newdata = nd, type ="response")plot(mu_exp ~ difference, data = nd, ylab =expression(mu),type ="l", col =4, lwd =2, ylim =c(0, 2.5))lines(mu_splus ~ difference, data = nd, col =2, lwd =2)legend("topleft", c("exp", "softplus"), col =c(4, 2), lwd =2, lty =1, bty ="n")