Special Model Terms for GAMLSS


The gamlss2 package provides infrastructure to include special model terms for the optimizer functions RS and CG, e.g., such as neural networks, trees and forests. The infrastructure assumes that such special model terms provide their own fitting and predict method.


## Generic fitting method.
special_fit(x, ...)

## Generic predict method.
special_predict(x, ...)

## Extractor function for fitted special terms.
specials(object, model = NULL, terms = NULL, elements = NULL, ...)


x A model term object as supplied in the formula in the gamlss2 call.
object A fitted gamlss2 object.
model Character or integer, specifies the model for which fitted special terms should be extracted.
terms Character or integer, specifies the special model terms that should be extracted.
elements Character, specifies which elements of a fitted special term should be extracted. If elements = “names”, the corresponding element names are extracted.
Arguments needed for the special_fit() function to facilitate the fitting of the model term, see the details. Similarly, for the special_predict() function, the argument encompasses the objects for computing predictions for the model term.


To implement a new special term, the first step is to write a formula constructor function for the new model term. For example, consider the implementation below, which demonstrates how to create a neural network model term. Additionally, the name of the new model term constructor must be passed to the specials argument of the function fake_formula. Please note that in the provided example, no new special name is passed because “n” is already registered in fake_formula.

Afterwards, a fitting and a predict method for the new special model term needs to be implemented. Please also refer to the example below, implementing these functions for a neural network model term.

The following describes the detailed arguments and return values.

A method for special_fit() has the following arguments:

  • x: The special model term object, containing all the data for fitting.

  • z: The current working response/residual from the backfitting step.

  • w: The current working weights from the backfitting step.

  • y: The response vector/matrix, e.g., used to evaluate the log-likelihood.

  • eta: The current named list of predictors.

  • j: Character, the parameter name for which the model term needs to be updated.

  • family: The family object of the model, see gamlss2.family.

  • control: A named list of control arguments, see gamlss2_control.

Note that for setting up a special model term only the first three arguments a mandatory, all other arguments are optional. The function must at least return a named list containing the “fitted.values” to work with RS and CG.

A method for special_predict() has the following arguments:

  • x: Depending on the return value of function special_fit(), the fitted model term object, see the examples.

  • data: The data for which predictions should be computed.

  • se.fit: Logical, should standard errors of the predictions be computed.

Note that function special_predict() should return a data frame with named colums “fit”, “lower” and “upper”, “lower” and “upper” are optional.

See Also

gamlss2, RS, gamlss2_control, gamlss2.family



## example special term for neural networks,
## the constructor function is used in the formula
## when calling gamlss2()
n <- function(formula, ...)

  ## list for setting up the special model term
  st <- list()

  ## list of control arguments
  ctr <- list(...)
    ctr$size <- 50
    ctr$maxit <- 1000
    ctr$decay <- 0.1
    ctr$trace <- FALSE
    ctr$MaxNWts <- 10000
    ctr$scale <- TRUE

  ## put all information together
  st$control <- ctr
  st$formula <- formula
  st$term <- all.vars(formula)
  st$label <- paste0("n(", paste0(gsub(" ", "", as.character(formula)), collapse = ""), ")")
  st$data <- model.frame(formula)

  ## scale per default!
  if(ctr$scale) {
    sx <- list()
    for(j in colnames(st$data)) {
      if(!is.factor(st$data[[j]])) {
        sx[[j]] <- range(st$data[[j]])
        st$data[[j]] <- (st$data[[j]] - sx[[j]][1]) / diff(sx[[j]])
    st$scalex <- sx

  ## assign the "special" class and the new class "n"
  class(st) <- c("special", "n")


## set up the special "n" model term fitting function
special_fit.n <- function(x, z, w, control, ...)
  ## model formula needs to be updated
  .fnns <- update(x$formula, response_z ~ .)

  ## assign current working response
  x$data$response_z <- z
  x$data$weights_w <- w

  ## possible weights from last iteration
  Wts <- list(...)$transfer$Wts

  ## estimate model
  nnc <- parse(text = paste0('nnet::nnet(formula = .fnns, data = x$data, weights = weights_w,',
      'size = x$control$size, maxit = x$control$maxit, decay = x$control$decay,',
      'trace = x$control$trace, MaxNWts = x$control$MaxNWts, linout = TRUE',
      if(!is.null(Wts)) ', Wts = Wts)' else ')'))

  rval <- list("model" = eval(nnc))

  ## get the fitted.values
  rval$fitted.values <- predict(rval$model)

  ## transferring the weights for the next backfitting iteration
  ## note, "transfer" can be used to transfer anything from one
  ## iteration to the next
  rval$transfer <- list("Wts" = rval$model$wts)

  ## center fitted values
  rval$shift <- mean(rval$fitted.values)
  rval$fitted.values <- rval$fitted.values - rval$shift

  ## degrees of freedom
  rval$edf <- length(coef(rval$model))

  ## possible scaling
  rval$scalex <- x$scalex

  ## assign class for predict method
  class(rval) <- "n.fitted"


## finally, the predict method
special_predict.n.fitted <- function(x, data, se.fit = FALSE, ...)
  if(!is.null(x$scalex)) {
    for(j in names(x$scalex)) {
      data[[j]] <- (data[[j]] - x$scalex[[j]][1]) / diff(x$scalex[[j]])
  p <- predict(x$model, newdata = data, type = "raw")
  p <- p - x$shift
    p <- data.frame("fit" = p)

data("abdom", package = "gamlss.data")

## specify the model Formula
f <- y ~ n(~x) | n(~x) | n(~x) | n(~x)

## estimate model,
## set the seed for reproducibility
## note, data should be scaled!
b <- gamlss2(f, data = abdom, family = BCT)

## visualize estimated effects
plot(b, which = "effects")

## plot diagnostics
plot(b, which = "resid")

## predict parameters
par <- predict(b)

## predict quantiles
pq <- sapply(c(0.05, 0.5, 0.95), function(q) family(b)$q(q, par))

## plot
plot(y ~ x, data = abdom, pch = 19,
  col = rgb(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, alpha = 0.3))
matplot(abdom$x, pq, type = "l", lwd = 2,
  lty = 1, col = 4, add = TRUE)

## another example using the Munich rent data
data("rent", package = "gamlss.data")

## model Formula
f <- R ~ n(~Fl+A,size=10,decay=0.7) | n(~Fl+A,size=10,decay=0.7)

## estimate model
b <- gamlss2(f, data = rent, family = GA)

## plot estimated effects
plot(b, which = "effects", persp = FALSE)

## diagnostics
plot(b, which = "resid")

## predict using new data
n <- 50
nd <- with(rent, expand.grid(
  "Fl" = seq(min(Fl), max(Fl), length = n),
  "A" = seq(min(A), max(A), length = n)

## predict parameters of the GA distribution
par <- predict(b, newdata = nd)

## compute median rent R estimate
nd$fit <- family(b)$q(0.5, par)

## visualize

p1 <- wireframe(fit ~ Fl + A, data = nd,
  screen = list(z = 50, x = -70, y = -10),
  aspect = c(1, 0.9), drape = TRUE,
  main = "n(~Fl+A)",
  xlab = "Floor", ylab = "YoC",
  zlab = "Rent")

p2 <- levelplot(fit ~ Fl + A, data = nd,
  contour = TRUE,
  main = "n(~Fl+A)", xlab = "Floor", ylab = "YoC")

print(p1, split = c(1, 1, 2, 1), more = TRUE)
print(p2, split = c(2, 1, 2, 1), more = FALSE)

## extract fitted special terms,
## fitted NN for parameter mu
specials(b, model = "mu", elements = "model")

## same for sigma
specials(b, model = "sigma", elements = "model")

## return element names of fitted special term list
specials(b, model = "sigma", elements = "names")