Find and Fit GAMLSS Families


These functions provide useful infrastructures for finding suitable GAMLSS families for a response variable.


## List of available families from gamlss.dist package.
available_families(type = c("continuous", "discrete"), families = NULL)

## Find suitable response distribution.
find_family(y, families = NULL, k = 2, verbose = TRUE, ...)

## Fit distribution parameters.
fit_family(y, family = NO, plot = TRUE, ...)


type Character, is the reponse continuous or discrete?
families Character, the names of the family objects of the gamlss.dist package that should be returned.
y The reponse vector or matrix.
k Numeric, the penalty factor that should be used for the GAIC.
verbose Logical, should runtime information be printed?
family A famnily object that should be used for estimation, see also
plot Logical, should a plot of the fitted density be provided?
Further arguments to be passed to gamlss2 when using find_family(), or arguments legend = TRUE/FALSE, pos = “topright” (see also function legend), main, xlab and ylab when argument plot = TRUE using function fit_family().


The function find_family() employs gamlss2 to estimate intercept-only models for each specified family object in the families argument. Note that model estimation occurs within a try block with warnings suppressed. Additionally, the function calculates the GAIC for each family whenever feasible and returns the sorted values in descending order.

Function fit_family() fits a single intercept-only model using the specified family and creates a plot of the fitted density.


Function find_family() returns a vector of GAIC values for the different fitted families. Function fit_family() returns the fitted intercept-only model.

See Also




data("rent", package = "")

## find a suitable response to the response
ic <- find_family(rent$R)

## fit parameters using the BCCG family
fit_family(rent$R, family = BCCG)

## count data
data("polio", package = "")

## search best count model
ic <- find_family(polio, k = 0,
  families = available_families(type = "discrete"))

## fit parameters using the ZASICHEL family
fit_family(polio, family = ZASICHEL)